Your walk to success is with America’s Top Model Academy
“Where models, are the example of excellence & talent”
Due to the COVID-19 Ontario health guidelines, class sizes and timings has changed. Courses are Tuesdays Kids @6:30PM – 8:00PM (group 1: 4-01years)/ Wednesday Teens @6:30PM – 8:00PM / Thursdays Pre-Teen @6:30PM (group 2: 11-14 years). & Saturdays (Group 1: 4-11 years): 11:00-12:30PM/ (Group 2 & 3- 12-18 years): 12:30-2PM.
Please stay up to date by continuously visiting our website or emailing us
Our Classes
Our classes are specialized in different age group category in order for our students to develop their image & presentation techniques in the right structure phases.

Group 1
4-10 years of age
- Runway, Posture & Elegance
- Etiquette & Protocol
- Dance
- Photo posing and self confidence
- Public Speaking & Body Language
- Wardrobe planning
- Stage presence
Group 2
11-14 years of age
- Runway, Posture & Elegance
- Etiquette & Protocol
- Dance & Acting
- Photo posing and Self-image
- Public Speaking & Body Language
- Nutrition
- Wardrobe planning
- Confidence & Leadership
- Stage presence

Group 3
15-18 years of age
- Runway, Posture & Elegance
- Etiquette & Protocol
- Public Speaking, interview skills & body language
- Wardrobe planning & Self image
- Empowerment – (leadership. goals, winner’s mindset and discipline)
- Make up and hairstyle
- Dance & Acting
- Skin care & Nutrition
- Stage presence & Performance
Courses Tuition
We offer courses which includes Certificate (each level), 4 Professional Photos (each level), & Graduation show (When completing all 3 levels).
- Runway, Posture & Elegance
- Photo posing & Self-image
- Wardrobe planning
- Skin care & Nutrition
- Social Etiquette & Protocol
- Acting & Dance
- Public Speaking, job interviews & Body Language
- Stage Presence
- Self-Make up & hair style
- Leadership, initiative and self esteem
3 +1 Level Courses / 3 month each level
- Basic
- Advance
- Intensive
- Professional
Hours: 1.5h per week. 1 class per week – Every TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY
- Group 1 – KIDS (4-11 years)- 6:30PM-8:00PM
- Group 3 – TEENS (15–18 years)- 6:30PM-8:00PM
- Group 2 – Pre-Teens (11-14 years) 6:30PM-8:00PM
- Group 1 (4-11 years)- 11:00PM-12:30PM
- Group 2 & 3 (12-18 years) 12:30PM-2:00PM
Price: $465 + HST – 10% discount if paid in full = $420 – Per level
Payment Arrangements:
Classes charged on a monthly basis, due on the 1st of each month for a 2-month payment plan = $232.50 + HST per month.
Sibling Discount
$430 + HST for each sibling; if paid in full a 10% discount will be applied. $390 each sibling
Payment Arrangements:
Classes charged on a monthly basis, due on the 1st of each month for a 3-month payment plan* = $390+ HST for 2 siblings per month.
Personalized Classes
Our Personalized classes are designed to help you reach your training goal. From going to a pageant, to mastering a walk for a fashion show, or just because you want that 1-1 exclusive training. WE GOT YOUR BACK!
Certificate included once completed the package Combo.
You can choose which classes you will like to take within your 10-hour package combo.
- Runway, Posture, Poise and Elegance
- Stage presence & performance
- Wardrobe Planning (Dress to impress, for every occasion) & Self Image
- Photo posing & portafolio
- Interview skills, Camera presentation and Public Speacking techniques
- Social Etiquette & Protocol
- Self-Make-up and Hair style
We work with the best Designers, Make Up Artists/Stylist, Dermatologist, Dentist, and Spa’s to help you get sponsorships or special discounts!
Single Class Price: $60/ Package Combo of 10 hours (2h each class) Price: $500 – 5% discount if paid in full.
Payment Arrangements:
$250 at time of registration and $250 when completed the first 5 hours.
Makeup Courses
Each Make up course includes Certificate, Folder with written material and Make up Gift set.
Single class: $50 for 1 hour
Professional course – 10 hours $400
- One week of 2.5h each class
- One full week of practice and theory
- Face photo shoot session
Additional Services
- Photoshoot session – 6 photo edits up to 50 photos (3 outfits) $199.99
- Portfolio and comp card (photoshoot included)- $399.99
- Academy Uniform – T-shirt, and neck scarf – One-time purchase $40
- Extra Academy T-shirt – $24.99
- Academy Scarf – $14.99
- Make-up and Hair style for events – $80
- Demo reels (30 sec) professional edit – $199.99


Aditional Fees
(Uniform and portfolio)

Annual Payment Option
(1 Payment)

Term Payment Option
(2 – 3 Payments)
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